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We offer a full range of classes to suit the individual requirements of your dog as well as private lessons in your own home or at the centre.

Classes are taught using reward based training methods and we encourage the use of treats, toys and both vocal and physical praise and hand gestures. We do not use check/choke chains. Group training classes are limited in numbers.


A Happy Dog is a Trained Dog! Everyone would like a well behaved and socially acceptable dog. Our role at Curly Tails is to help you achieve results by promoting responsible dog ownership using fun reward based training methods.

Dog Training & Behaviour 

Training&Behaviour Services

Individual 1-2-1 Training 

Ideal for specific training problems e.g. pulling on lead, reluctance to come back to recall, jumping up, barking, chasing, anti-social behavior, fearfulness and anxiety, canine aggression, separation anxiety, repetitive or obsessive behavior, resource guarding, behavior modification. 

Starting price £25


Puppy Home Visits (Block of 6 lessons over 6 weeks )

The earlier you start training your puppy the better. A one hour visit to your home to advise you on house training, chewing, play biting, introduction of the lead, collar and the basic obedience commands, learning the correct method in socializing your dog with others. Available even for puppies who have not yet completed their vaccinations. This is ideal for somebody who has never owned a dog before and doesn't drive. I offer everything which is taught in puppy classes including a training plan and reading material for your new puppy .

Starting price £60


Puppy Training Classes

Six weeks course - 1 hour each week in basic training for puppies from 19 weeks and over. Includes walking on a loose leash, coming when called, sit, down, stay, leave, dog distraction and basic manners around people and dogs.

Starting price £48


Mature Dog Training Classes

Adult dog classes are for dogs at least 6 months of age through to mature aged dogs. This class is for owners who have attended puppy classes and want to further training using techniques or for dogs which require socialization and basic obedience. Classes last 1 hour each week for the full 6 weeks, courses covering lead work, recall, sit, down, stay, distraction work. We focus on commands and situations that will enable you to have a socially acceptable happy and well behaved dog.

Starting price £48



6 Weeks courses available - 1 hour each week. A fun activity for both you and your dog held at our local community center. Classes cover weave poles, dog walk, standard jumps, tunnel, tire jump, seesaw.

Starting price £48





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